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BSF Manual – Backspotfacing without blade activation using coolant or compressed air

04.07.2024 | HEULE is presenting a new product! The BSF backspotfacer has been impressing customers around the world for years. The tool is now also available with the option of manual blade activation instead of using coolant or compressed air.
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Counterboring on the back side of the bore regularly presents a challenge, as access to the machining area is difficult. The BSF from HEULE provides a reliable solution: access is provided through the bore itself. The tool is now also available with the option of manual blade activation instead of using coolant or compressed air.


As a technology leader in the field of back bore machining, HEULE has been offering first-class solutions not only for deburring or chamfering, but also for backspotfacing for several years. As machining is performed from the front side of the bore, counterbores can also be easily produced in hard-to-reach areas. The BSF tool solution guarantees the process reliability that is crucial for serial production and this for counterbores up to 2.3x the bore diameter.

New variants in activation

The high level of efficiency is based on the robust and simple operating principle. After activating the spindle at a defined RPM, centrifugal force causes the carbide blade to fold out. HEULE offers several options for retracting the blade after machining. The standard version uses internal spindle coolant (min. 20 bar) for retracting, while the BSF Air uses compressed air (min. 5 bar).


Customers contacted HEULE with the need to be able to use the BSF on simpler machine types or for workpiece materials which do not allow the use of coolant. This led to the development of a further BSF version that complements the standard range with the option of manual blade activation – the BSF Manual. In this version, the blade can be retracted "by hand" using the activation ring. Thanks to the modular design, existing tools can be modified to manual activation if required.